
Farah Diba Pahlavi a life in exile

Farah Diba Pahlavi
a life in exile

On the occasion of Her Imperial Majesty Farah Diba Pahlavi’s 80th birthday in 2018 and the 40th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution in 2019 we…

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Interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.

Interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.

An interview with Robert Kennedy Jr, son of the late Robert Kennedy and nephew of the late John F. Kennedy, and himself an acclaimed environmental attorney…

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Benazir Bhutto: The Political Legacy of A Woman Between Two Worlds

Benazir Bhutto:
The Political Legacy
of A Woman
Between Two Worlds

The first ever woman prime minister of a Muslim country, Pakistan, and a firm believer in Western democracy , Benazir Bhutto was ousted from power…

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Otto von Habsburg: Ein glühender Europäer

Otto von Habsburg: Ein glühender Europäer

Der 2011 verstorbene älteste Sohn des letzten Kaisers von Österreich und Königs von Ungarn, Karl I, war Politiker und Autor und wurde international für sein…

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